I was facing back pain due to running more than a year ago. But being the egoistic me, I also wanted to complete the 10th edition of the 2XU Compression Run half marathon. After all, I joined every edition of the run since it’s inception in 2011.

There’s a certain pride to be there for every edition. I wasn’t ready to miss out on the tenth milestone.

And so I jokingly wish that the 10th edition will not go on as per usual so that I do not need to miss the run just because I have bad pain. This is all the way back in November 2019, before COVID was a thing.

Looking back, never did I expect that the wish has been granted, and definitely not expecting it will be granted in the form of a worldwide catastrophe. Hence, I was never quite sure I would like to be happy or angry about it.

It reminded me of the “Corrupt-A-Wish” game running on the Internet that I would sometimes participate:

The game is simple. Someone makes a wish, and someone ruins it. Here’s an example.

JTeam: I wish for a rocketship.
RandomDude100: Granted, but it has no fuel.

Taken from Reddit

Be careful what you wish for…